Hasta La Vista, 50!



I cannot believe that one year ago,  I was suffering tremendously at the thought of turning 50.  I lost a lot of hair and sleep worrying and anticipating the big 5-0.  I even started a blog to help me cope with this cruel reality.

Truth be told, I had fun celebrating (the parties were non-stop), talking and writing about it.  Was it as bad as I imagined it would be?

 Yes and No.

No, in that I am still here and have enjoyed… oh so thoroughly, not caring as much about what others think of me or what comes out of my mouth.  A stronger sense of freedom has blossomed.

Yes, it was as bad as I imagined it would be, in that a lot more than freedom has blossomed.  My arms have blossomed, my belly has blossomed, my thighs have blossomed as have the brown spots on my face.  In addition, I can see NADA without my readers, my hearing has faded and my breasts have migrated to the deep, deep South, but I digress.

I am more than ready to say goodbye to this eventful (to say the least) year and welcome in new adventures and food  experiences.

Speaking of food, in pure brickhouse fashion, I spent this birthday weekend by the shore with Mr. B, eating some delicious treats.  One being a succulent lobster roll from a very popular harbor café, as well as my favorite deli sandwich made with turkey, swiss cheese, alfalfa sprouts, pesto mayo, tomato and avocado.  Yes, I did.

We also tried a new restaurant which serves the most orgasmic brick oven pizza topped with arugula, prosciutto, pear and a balsamic glaze.  Enough? No. Can I tell you about the juicy pan seared native scallops sautéed with bacon and shallots? Need I say more? I better stop because I am starving, again.






They looked like this goodfoodfreshingredients.com

They looked like this

We also did plenty of walking, laying on the beach, shopping, talking, resting, laughing and planning for the year ahead.

*****A big shout-out to my all-time favorite Washington DC brothers-in-law and of course, BFFs, for the use of their beautiful home.  It was another spectacular birthday getaway in this elegant farmhouse on the coast.*****



Bring it on, 51!

58 thoughts on “Hasta La Vista, 50!

  1. Happy Birthday Maria! And what a beautiful photo of you, you look amazing. I’m so glad you had such a lovely getaway…what a beautiful home and what delicious food! Seems we share the same birthday month (mine’s on the 10th) which is nice. Except that I’ll be 55…yikes!!! So 51 sounds darn good to me right now! Birthday hugs to you and here’s to all your new adventures. I’m off to celebrate an early birthday with my boys in Brighton for the weekend with hubby and friends …get ready for some rock and roll, haha. I’ll be sure to raise a glass and send birthday cheers to you my friend and we can celebrate, albeit virtually, together 🙂


    1. Gracias, Kitt! My black dress did the job it’s supposed to do, you know, cover up my imperfections. 🙂 I joke about all the physical changes the 50s bring but in reality, I am learning to embrace who I am. Que sera, sera. I am just feeling blessed for being alive, having a wonderful family and wine. 🙂 35? I’ll take it!


  2. Pues, te miras muy amazing! I finally saw something more than just your beautiful eye ball. Cheers to you and happy belated birthday girl. I can’t believe that it’s already been a year since I last met you. Mujer you were an amazing surprise and was glad to have discovered your blog. Your tales of life serve as great lessons and killer comedy. Glad 51 is looking good on you. And I know you’re gonna hate me for saying this, but I’m probably going through the same thing you went through last year…as I’m approaching the 4-0 next July. Any advice from the wisest Brickhouse Chick I’ve ever known? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha,ha! I love your line, “I finally saw something more than your beautiful eye ball”. That really cracked me up! Thanks for your birthday wishes and kind words, Guat! I am thrilled that I came across your blog as well. You are hilarious and…chocolate. 🙂 Regarding turning 40, THAT is a fun age to turn! I kicked off my 40s with a 10 day trip to Spain with my cousins without my esposo or my kids! That set the tone, right there. Lot’s of celebrating and gravity hadn’t taken over my body yet. You have already taken on some great adventures, just keep it going…and chocolate.


  3. Ah, I remember when I turned 50. I didn’t angst over it, I did that when I turned 30. LOL Now I’m looking at 60 in a couple of years. My birthday is the 12th this month. Virgos Rock!! 50’s are not too bad, well except for all that stuff on the body going south LOL And the silver hair (I don’t have grey, thank goodness, it’s silver coming in) But I figure I earned every single one of them!

    Sounds like you had a great birthday weekend though and the house looks wonderful! Oh, so do you lady!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jackie, Virgos do rock – don’t we? 🙂 Silver is so much better than grey! I color mine and there is no turning back now. Maybe in my 70s I will let the grey just be. We did have a wonderful weekend and my in-laws’ house is amazing. Thank you for the compliment. 🙂


    1. I know, right? Wasn’t I just talking about turning 50? Glad I can put that year behind me. I am ready for a fresh start and new experiences. Preferably, good experiences. Our weekend was really a blast. We needed to relax and enjoy each other and forget about all the scary stuff from our recent past. We miss the kids but are enjoying hanging out just the two of us. Thanks for the bday wishes. 🙂


  4. I’m a few months into 50 and it is a mixed bag, isn’t it? What’s with the blossoming belly? I was no skinny Minnie to begin with but sheesh, I can’t handle this belly stuff. Anyway, sounds like you had a great birthday! Hope 51 is amazing! I enjoy reading your posts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading my posts, Kat! I appreciate that very much. So you are only a few months into your 50s? I hope you are having fun so far and that gravity doesn’t visit you anytime soon! LOL. 🙂


    1. Thanks, you silly girl! My black dress is doing its job of covering the beauteous imperfections and hey, I am starting to care a little less and less by the year! I just want to be healthy and live for a while longer! 🙂


  5. Why people make age out to be more than simply a number, I don’t understand. It’s in our far too creative (?) minds that people often make it into a horror story rather than focusing on just enjoying all that accompanies any age. 🙂 And the food looks/sounds delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

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